Join Us

Why You Should Be a Member

Become a member of our team

Access to Market Analysis & Assessments

Who wants and needs your product and service.

Access to Competitor Analysis & Assessments

Adjust your service to be better.

Take Part in Joint Enterprises

Enable yourself to compete for major contracts.

Develop Joint Services

Develop services in collaboration with other specialist for needs we have identified.

Vote on Industries or Markets to Analyze & Assess

Take your seat at the table and vote on what industri, market or segment we should analyze.

Up Sell Your Services to The Groups Clients

If you are good, it’s profitable for other members, their clients and you.

Offer Other Members Services to Your Clients

If they are good, it’s profitable for you, your clients and the member selling.

Individually Designed Wellness Programs for You & Your Company

You will be part of the L&F CG wellness program.

Individually Designed Up & Re- skilling of You & Your Staff

Get better at marketing, sales, management and AI.

Eligible Businesses


We need you to be a person who sees the value of helping people. Just like a footballer understanding that it's in their interest that their striker scores more goals.

From 1-100 employees or partners

It doesn't matter. It can be you or it can be your organization. There will be no conflict of interest.


We need you to want to get better, develop your skills and challenge recognized market leaders.


Everything related to HR, marketing, sales, management, tech, economics and in its widest sense. We have a big tent with lots of room.

How to go about becoming a member

5 Simple Steps

Give us a heads up

We will invite you to a proper presentation

If you find it interesting we will assess you and design a unique introduction program for you

Finally it’s a start up session

And the we are rolling and you are a fully integrated member

A company dedicated to helping businesses any industry develop and utilize their competitive edges through learning, training, recruitment, and team development.
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